Resource Library
We have several helpful resources in our Resource Library. Listed below are just a few of them
Northeast Arkansas Food Pantries
Last year we put out an article on food pantries in Northwest Arkansas. The following day a Veteran advocate asked if we had any information about food pantries in NorthEast Arkansas. In case you haven’t realized, NWAVet is located in Northwest Arkansas (NWA) and therefore a lot of resources pertain to Veterans living in this particular location.

However, we got to work and put together a list of food pantries in Northeast Arkansas, then placed the list in our free library of resources. The research opened our eyes again to how blessed we are living in NWA. There is an incredible wealth of resources in this corner of the state that the NE corner doesn’t have. However, there are resources in NE Arkansas, including the Northeast Arkansas Food Bank. This list in our library includes many of these resources.
The Next Steps

The Next Steps is a pamphlet setting forth the steps that survivors should take when a Veteran has passed away. The death of a loved one brings a time of grieving, as well as a time of figuring out how to deal with everything that needs to be taken care of. Was the Veteran retired from the military? Was the Veteran receiving disability or pension from the VA? These questions all need to be answered, and relatively quickly, so that overpayment from the VA can be avoided.
We always suggest that survivors seek the help of a knowledgeable Veteran Service Officer. However, important information is in this pamphlet. Survivors can find information on forms, phone numbers, and possible benefits from the VA.
In addition, there is a checklist in the resource library for a binder that the Veteran may put together. The checklist is for a copy of the DD214, any information on receipt of VA pension, military retirement information, and life insurance policies. This way, if the Veteran becomes incapacitated of passes away, all of the information the surviving spouse or children will need is that one binder with all of the information. It is a way to tell your loved ones that you love them in preparing for your eventual passing.
Alternative PTSD Therapies
Many of us Veterans deal with PTSD. It is rarely, if ever, possible to be deployed into a war and return as the same person you were when you left. Many experiences leave residual effects. And you don’t have to go to war, deploy, or even be in the military to experience PTSD.

Medical science has many proven and effective means of treating PTSD, but those means may not be the treatment that everyone needs, or even desires. We highly recommend checking with your own medical professional. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that many alternative therapeutic practices may also have good results in treating PTSD. A pamphlet entitled “Alternative PTSD Therapies” in our resource library lays out several of these alternative practices.
Medals to Resumes

We have a pdf in the library which takes common military medals and translates them into skills and values that civilian employers are looking for. Civilian employers may not understand what a professional development ribbon means, but they will understand when a prospective employer lists as a quality ‘constantly enhancing job related skills’. The Army Service Ribbon may mean nothing to them, but ‘willingness to pursue new skills and abilities’ will let them know you are willing to learn new things for the job.
There are many more resources in the library. If you haven’t take a look at it, you can sign up below. You will sign up for the newsletter and receive access to the library. Hint: We may send one newsletter a year, and we never send spammy emails.
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