How do I Become a Veteran Service Officer?
We have received a lot of questions over the past three years, but one question has been asked by email and in the comment section multiple times. Veterans want to know “How do I become a Veteran Service Officer?”
The process is not difficult at all. In fact, there are actually only two absolute requirements to becoming a Veteran Service Officer (VSO). The first is to pass a background check, and the second is to pass a VSO exam. These are the only two things that are required in order to become an accredited VSO. However, nothing is ever as easy as that.
In a nutshell, VSOs train VSOs. In order to become a VSO, you have to have someone who will vouch for you and allow you to work under them. Veteran Service Officers are not lawyers and cannot have veterans sign Powers of Attorney (POA) to the VSO. Veteran service Offices work in partnership with Veteran Serving Organizations such as the VFW, American Legion, and Disabled American Veterans. When a VSO is accredited, they are accredited with the VA, and fall under the ‘umbrella’ of one or more of these organizations. Therefore, when a veteran signs a VA Form 21-22 appointing the VSO as a representative, it is covered under the approval of the veteran serving organization.
All that being said means that becoming a VSO will take a little time. How much depends on each individual. There has to be a training period of reading the manual of regulations. Thankfully, there is a manual put out by the National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) which takes CFR 38 (the federal code for veteran disabilities) and puts it into easier to understand terms.
In addition to learning the ins and outs of the system there are countless different circumstances tha veterans bring with their claims. Working under an experienced VSO allows a beginner to learn how to handle the difficult cases.
So you cannot just decide out of the blue that you want to be a VSO, pick up a book and read it, and then go online to take a test. There has to be a reason for you to be a VSO. In other words, you have been hired by a county veteran services office, or you are preparing to become a VSO for one of the veteran serving organizations. You will not be an accredited VSO working out on your own. It just doesn’t work that way.
So, if you’re wanting to become a VSO, first find a position as a VSO. Many VFW and American Legion posts would love to have an extra VSO volunteer to help members and other veterans with their claims.Talk to your local post and see if they would like to sponsor you to get accredited.
Hopefully this cleared some up, though it is possible it simply muddied the waters further. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop them below or email us at
Yeah…Got a SO CALLED opening where I live. I am a retiring E-9 SGM in the Army and I was Approached at a Veteran’s Group meeting by a VSO this past February about a job opening this December. I immediately gave him a Resume and have followed up every couple of months.
Now, I as the time grows near for the job to start..I asked them what was going on. They told me that I have to re apply and that there is going to be lots of competition and to look for another job. I have asked them more than one HOW do I apply? They have NO answers. They act stupid and clueless. I should have asked them how THEY applied. I asked them for a website of any other information but I get nothing. obviously..they do not want me there ( I have NO idea why ) and they are not being honest about the situation. They probably already have someone in mind. the lack of transparency is disgusting and to be honest…I would not want to work in that office anyways. I have every qualification. I have been in the Army almost 41 years…Just re-upped my Top Secret SCI clearance..I live literally 2 minutes down the road from the office..and yet I don’t even have a chance. The lack of honestly is not impressive at all. At this point…All my VA Appointments are complete and I am just waiting for my Disability rating. After that. I will have no need to correspond with that office ever again. I am not upset with not being able to secure the job…but I am dissapointed with the sneaky lack of honesty.
We always hate hearing that kind of actions from the VA. That being said, many times when it comes to Federal jobs the people posting the job do have someone already in mind for the job. That is an open “secret” of federal jobs. However, there are Veteran Service Officers who do not work for the VA. Most counties in the US should have a Veteran’s Service Office that employs one or more Veteran Service Officers. We would suggest checking with your local county. While it is not a Federal job, it is a job helping Veterans.
I have to agree with Richard Riccio comment #2. I have been a volunteer driver for a shuttle bus taking veterans to the VA hospitals and clinics for the last thirteen years. Between talking to those veterans and trying to process my own disability paperwork I have found most veterans lack even a basic knowledge of their benefits. The hospital VSOs are swamped with veterans attempting to get answers to simple questions while they are there waiting treatments. Being seen on a first come first served basis, no appointments, leaves many going home with no answers. Having delt with three VA hospitals and their overworked VSOs, I find most are getting burned out and seem to be there just for the paycheck. The local volunteer VSOs are seldom available when questions arise and don’t seem to be current when it comes to benefits or current forms and procedures. My biggest complaint is no one is giving any seminars, briefs, classes on what our benefits are. Community Care is a prime example. Almost no one in our VFW post was aware of it or how to use is. Veterans here are over a hundred miles from the nearest hospital with limited if any transportation. They are paying out of pocket or doing without medical treatment. We need more qualified VSOs and more public awareness!